วันศุกร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Reference 2 ( How google Maps compute direction a to b)

Reference 2

- How google map compute direction from point a to b

- in this website we've learned how to create a google map in real world but it to hard to understand in the first time that you read that therefore I know some part of google map such as google map use
a Dijkstra's Algorithm with some modification to solve this problem and you have to create a several layer such as highways layer or secondary way to store a specific detail of a road and I found another document in comment " http://algo2.iti.uka.de/schultes/hwy/schultes_diss.pdf "

Update 12/12/2018

At the beginning we think that  Dijkstra's algorithm maybe not work in the enormous graph
but after we read a website its told our that " Dijkstra will not usually look at the complete graph but rather just a very small subset "




Discrete Math Project -       Topic: Discrete in Google maps -       Statement: Reengineering เกี่ยวกับการทำงานของ...